Thai Travel Clinic

Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University


Research Project:

Knowledge, attitude and practice of sexually transmitted infections among international travelers to Thailand


Background of the research:


           While on vacation, travellers may feel more relaxed and less inhibited because they have gone out of their social context. On this regards, sexual activity could happen anytime anywhere during trip. Previous studies showed up to 20.4% of travellers reported casual sex abroad, with 49.4% of them having unprotected sex. These could result in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) which are still gaps in Travel medicine counseling. Therefore, this research aims to determine knowledge, attitude and practice of STIs among international travellers at two different clinic settings in Bangkok.


People who may participate in this research are as follows:

1. International travelers with age equal or more than 18 years

2. Can speak English and comprehend English questionnaire

3. Willing to participate in this research

4. Attend one of our research sites: travel clinic of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases or the Thai Red Cross Anonymous Clinic


Research methodology


     During your visit in the clinic, you may be invited to join the research. If you agree to be a volunteer, you will be asked with two sets of online questionnaires:

  • During the visit, you will be asked to fill the questionnaire on computer at the clinic with 57 items asking about yourself; detail of traveling, pre-travel preparation, sexual behavior, knowledge, attitude, practice and incident of STIs. Overall processes take around 20 minutes.
  • Follow-up questionnaire, 39 items to re-evaluate the knowledge, attitude, practice and incident of STIs. This will be sent to your provided contact information 1 month afterward; this questionnaire takes around 10 minutes to answer.

     Note:  Participate in this study is completely voluntary. Participate/Not participate in this research has no effect to any service/medical care you may receive in our clinic/hospital. 


     This research is a part of the Residency Training in Travel Medicine and the Master Degree of Clinical Tropical Medicine (MCTM) course. The principle investigator of this research is Dr. Vorapot Sapsirisavat.



Thai Travel Clinic, Hospital for Tropical Diseases,
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
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Thai Travel Clinic, Hospital for Tropical Diseases,
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
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