Thai Travel Clinic

Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University

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มี 74 ผู้มาเยือน และ ไม่มีสมาชิกออนไลน์ ออนไลน์

Schedule and duration of protection in Travel Vaccine


Here is the summarized table of the schedule of travel vaccines.  


Vaccine No. of shot Schedule Duration of protection
Lived JE vaccine single shot N/A 1-2 years
Influenza vaccine single shot N/A 1 year
Meningococcal vaccine  single shot N/A 3-5 years
Typhoid vaccine single shot N/A 3-5 years
Yellow fever vaccine single shot N/A Life long
Cholera vaccine 2 doses 0,1-2 weeks 3 years
Chickenpox vaccine  2 doses 0,4 weeks Life long
Hepatitis A vaccine 2 shots 0, 6-12 Month Life long
Hepatitis B vaccine 3 shots 0,1,6 month Life long
Hepatitis B vaccine (Accelerated) 4 shots 0,7,21days, 1 year Life long
Hepatitis A+B (Twinrix) 3 shots 0,1,6 month Life long
Hep A+B Twinrix (Accelerated) 4 shots 0,7,21days, 1 year Life long
Rabies pre-exposure vaccine 2 shots  0,7 days Booster when exposure