Thai Travel Clinic

Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University

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มี 68 ผู้มาเยือน และ ไม่มีสมาชิกออนไลน์ ออนไลน์

Research Activities


               Although Travel Medicine is a relatively new field of medicine, it is becoming increasingly more important especially in the era of globalization. More than 1000 million people travel internationally each year. Many travel medicine-related activities such as travel clinics, researches and educations are well established in the western world. But in Thailand, very limited activities have been done before.

               Since the establishment of Thai Travel Clinic and Travel Medicine Research Unit in 2005, we had conducted several researches in Thai and in foreigners traveling in Thailand and Southeast Asia. We were able to publish our manuscripts in peer-reviewed international journal such as Journal of Travel Medicine, Vaccine, and American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Our selected publications are listed here. We hope that our research will help us to understand the health risk among travelers in this region. We believe that the better we understand them, the better care we could provide.


Previous MCTM Student researches

Each year, our unit could accommodate one Master degree of Clinical Tropical Medicine (MCTM) student to conduct a research in travel medicine related field. Here are the list of our recent successful students and their research titles.



2019/20  Dr. Thanyapat Hiranrusme (Published)

                Risk perception of health problems among travelers visiting a travel clinic in Bangkok, Thailand

2018/19  Dr. Chollasap Sharma (Published)

                Incidence of Travelers' Diarrhea among Adult Foreign Travelers in Thailand: A Prospective Study

2018/19  Dr. Vorapot Sapsirisavat (Published)

                Knowledge, attitude and practice of sexually tranmitted infections among international travelers to Thailand 

2018/19  Dr. Phimphan Pitusan (Published)

                Health problems among short-term travelers from developed countries to Southeast Asia: A Prospective study

2017/18  Dr. Jitfa Loorungroj

                Compliance and reported adverse effects of malaria chemoprophylaxis among travelers 

2017/18  Dr. Nujareenart Kuhakasemsin

                 Health problems among Thai trekkers 

2016/17  Dr. Wasin Matsee from Thailand

                Health problems among Thai travelers returning from international travel

2016/17  Dr. Lapakorn Chatapat from Thailand

                Spectrum of health problems among expatriates from developed countries in Thailand

2013/14  Dr. Anastasia Putri from Indonesia

                Usefulness of tourniquet test for diagnosing dengue infection

2011/12  Dr. Nils Kaehler from Germany (Published)
               Sexual behaviour of foreign backpackers in Khao San Road area, Bangkok, Thailand

2010/11  Dr. Wataru Kashino from Japan (Published)
               Incidence of rabies exposure among Japanese expatriates and travelers in Thailand

2009/10  Dr. Dipendra Sharma from Nepal
               Detection of Chikungunya Seropositivity in Thai travelers to the southern part of Thailand

2008/09  Dr. Emanuel Luttersdorfer from Austria
               Seroprevalence of Dengue antibodies among foreign travelers in South East Asia

2007/08  Dr. Elsideg Ahmed Mohammed Abdelrhaman from Sudan
               Emergence and clearanceof gametocyte in complicated P.falciparum malaria


Current Research activities


The research focus of our unit is on travel medicine related field. We are interested in health problems among foreigners visiting Thailand and Southeast Asia as well as the incidence and impact of health problems among Thais who are traveling either domestically or internationally. Here some of our current research.


Research in the Residency Training in Travel Medicine Course


Our 2nd years residents in Travel Medicine have to conduct their own research in order to experience and gain the skill in research. Here are the current resident's reserach topics.


2019-2020 Research

  1. Antibiotics use among foreign travelers in Thailand (DrSarocha Nganwiwattavorn)
  2. ปัญหาสุขภาพในนักท่องเที่ยวสูงอายุและนักท่องเที่ยวทั่วไปชาวไทยที่เดินทางไปต่างประเทศ (แพทย์หญิง พลอย ลักขณะวิสิฏฐ์)
  3. ทัศนคติต่อปัญหาสุขภาพของนักท่องเที่ยวที่มารับคำปรึกษาก่อนการเดินทางจากคลินิกเวชศาสตร์ท่องเที่ยวและการเดินทางในประเทศไทย: การศึกษาไปข้างหน้า (เรือเอก แพทย์หญิงธัญญ์พัทธ์ หิรัญรัศมี)


2017-2018 Research

1. Incidence of High altitude illness among Thai travelers (Dr. Akkavich Harnnavachok)

2. Compliance and reported adverse effects of malaria chemoprophylaxis among travelers (Dr. Jitfa Loorungroj) 

3. Incidence of travelers' diarrhea among adult foreign travelers in Thailand: A prospective study (Dr. Chollasap Sharma)

4. Knowledge, attitudes, practices, and self-treatment of sick international (Dr. Ranida Poksiri)

5. Health problems among Thai trekkers (Dr. Nujareenart Kuhakasemsin)



Some of our research activities and our research assistants/volunteers

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