24 Hrs Emergency Service for Malaria checking
Malaria is a fatal diseases especially with delay treatment. If you have fever while or traveling in the malaria risk area, you should seek for medical care immediately. Symptoms of malaria included fever with or without chill, headache, abdominal pain, myalgia, nausea and vomiting. Fever is approach 100% in non-immune patients. Patients with malaria can be worsening in just a few day after onset and can leading to death.
The only way to diagnose malaria is to have your blood checked. Microscopic diagnosis is gold-standard for malaria. In Thailand, the blood test for malaria is available in most hospitals
In our hospital, we have long term experienced in diagnosis and treatment of malaria. You can visit our hospital anytime during 24 hr. Your result will be ready in just 30 min. In some circumstance, malaria can be negative on the first lab test especially when antimalarial drug is previously taken. So if you still have fever with strong suspicious to be malaria, you're recommended to repeat the lab test in next 6 hr or 12 hr.

P. falciparum malaria in patient's blood